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Combatting Online Class Drawbacks

Combatting Online Class Drawbacks

Combatting Online Class Drawbacks

Parents, instructors, and students are starting to see the drawbacks as the globe transitions from in-person education to online classes. Although it allows for the convenience and cost-savings of homeschooling, there are new issues that schools are attempting to address. A 2015 study found that 92 percent of online classes are at least as successful as traditional education. To lessen the physical and psychological drawbacks of online classes, educators are changing the way they educate.

Online Class Learning Drawbacks

The future of education has been predicted to be online classes. More students can be taught, a greater range of subjects can be offered, and expenses can be reduced more than in a typical classroom. Online classes do, regrettably, have certain drawbacks.

1. Isolation Factors

Students who learn in online classes lack human connection, which can result in mental health problems like anxious thoughts, increased stress, and negative ideas. Many people find it challenging when they don’t get personal words of encouragement from teachers or comments from their classmates.

2. Cheating Is Difficult to Prevent

Sadly, internet assessments make it simpler for students to cheat than online exams. They can use their smartphones or notes to cheat if their teacher isn’t watching them. Students also have the option of having someone else administer the test or assist them. Students can easily pass their online classes without the right framework in place to stop cheating.

3. Requires The Ability to Manage One’s Time and Motivate Oneself

In a conventional classroom, teachers hold students responsible for their actions. Since they are merely logging on to a nearby computer during online classes, students could find it difficult to get out of bed or change their clothes. Absent motivation, and working from home might lead to distractions. Without help or encouragement from teachers, peers, or regular routines, it might be hard for students to meet deadlines or do their homework.

4. Teaching Particular Subjects Can Be Difficult

Certain subjects are substantially more difficult to teach online due to certain factors. Online class environments are far more beneficial for subjects like the humanities and social sciences than for disciplines like engineering and medicine. A lot of extracurricular activities will also be eliminated, including music, painting, and physical education.

5. Students Could Neglect Their Physical Fitness and Well-Being

Students in a traditional school environment get some exercise during the course of the school day. Running during recess, walking to their next lesson, or playing sports in gym class are examples of this activity. In addition, schools have teams for extracurricular activities like football, baseball, track, swimming, basketball, and soccer. Online students are forced to discover ways to get the necessary exercise as they lack a specialized P.E. program. In addition to its health advantages, exercise also boosts students’ confidence and reduces stress. Students must spend a lot of time sitting still and staring at screens while they learn online. This can impair their vision and make it difficult for them to exercise sufficiently.

6. Teachers Prioritize Theoretical Knowledge Over Practical Application

Students who learn online may miss out on the hands-on experience. For instance, scientific instructors find it challenging to conduct experiments outside of a physical classroom. For students to understand abstract theories, their practical applications are necessary. 52 percent of Americans prefer hands-on training, while 28 percent prefer visual training, according to a 2014 Harris Interactive poll. Despite being directed at adults, the numbers are still pertinent. While using visual aids to teach students is an excellent learning strategy, the online class shouldn’t restrict how students are taught the material.

Solutions to Online Class Drawbacks

Teachers can use innovative engagement techniques to help students overcome these drawbacks of online learning. This will address some issues with loneliness, inefficiency, and a lack of experiential learning.

1. To Stop Cheating, Use A Classroom Management System or Live Proctoring Software

One of the major drawbacks of online classes is cheating, which harms a school’s reputation. Software used for live proctoring can check students’ identities and even look at their desktops. Any unusual behavior will be immediately reported to the teacher. By using classroom management software, teachers can keep an eye on their students’ screens to determine whether or not they are on track. With the use of this programmed, teachers may keep an eye on and manage their students’ tabs to ensure that they are only on the exam website. For further supervision, teachers may even ask pupils to turn on their video screens while taking the test.

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2. Self-Directed Projects Assignment

One problem with online classes is how pupils recall facts and understand theories. Understanding ideas and being able to use them in actual situations constitutes real learning. Students only make an effort to retain information that will be on a test when they acquire theory-based material. To gain a deeper understanding of a subject or concept, project-based learning allows students to develop their projects. For instance, teachers can assign groups of students to educate primary school kids on how to stop the spread of diseases rather than educating them about germs. One group might make a movie that shows how to wash your hands properly, whereas another group might make posters.

3. Implement Blended Learning

In most cases, a full-fledged online class programmed is not always practical. Blended learning combines elements of traditional classroom instruction with some online classes. For instance, lab teachers may choose to alternate their lab days such that only a few students meet there on particular days of the week.

4. Stress The Value of Distraction Reduction and Time Management

When learning at home, it’s very simple for pupils to get sidetracked by distractions. Depending on the learner’s style, having television playing in the background can make it harder for a student to concentrate. Describe the value of keeping your workspace tidy and shutting off all other electronics during class. Maintaining distinct folders for each subject and sending out calendars with all of the homework assignment due dates in advance will help students stay organized.

5. Use an Open Forum Platform and Hold Open Discussions

Students may feel less socially connected to their teacher and other classmates through a blended or online class. Teachers can pose open-ended questions, such as those that invite discussion of a particular video or even friendly debates. Students can assemble knowledge and data to back up their positions and arguments. Students should also be able to post questions on an online forum and get answers from their classmates.

6. The Lesson Plan Should Include Gamified Learning

Gamifying your lesson is one original way to keep students engaged and motivated. According to a 2015 online learning industry report, 67% of students said that gamified courses increased their motivation more than standard courses. Leaderboards, badges, scores, challenges, and levels can all be included in gamification to keep students interested.

Improved Online Learning

Online classes do have several disadvantages for education, even though they can initially save money and time. Additionally, it demands more self-control from the students while being devoid of the practical learning experiences and group projects that are seen in a regular classroom setting. Students can learn well in an online class environment by including more project-based tasks, having a public online forum, or employing other innovative tactics. They can also ask for online class help from professionals at OnlineClassFix.

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